(02) 4625 9776 info@fja.com.au

Section 73 Sydney Water

Please fill in & submit the Section 73 Application below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

The steps involved in obtaining a Section 73 Compliance Certificate from Sydney Water are:

Assessment For Requirements

Once FJA Water have received a copy of DA or CDC and plans we will review what Sydney Water requirements for Water and Sewer will be. One of our staff will then supply you with a fee proposal for any necessary requirements to obtain your Section 73 Certificate and Building Plan Approval (tapin).

Notice of Requirements

Once a signed acceptance your information will be lodged and Notice of requirements will be issued.
The Notice of requirements will provide details of the steps you need to take to adequately serve your development with water and sewer.
This may include design and construction of new Sydney Water assets and payment of any Sydney Water developer fees.
The Notice of Requirements is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Water & Sewer Design

If minor or major works water and sewer designs are required for your development, FJA Water have accredited inhouse designers for all categories of Sydney Water infrastructure.


Once the Design are approved you’ll need to use a Sydney Water accredited constructor to install new Sydney Water infrastructure.
FJA Water are accredited to coordinate and supervise any works outlined in your Notice of Requirements.
Once construction is complete FJA Water will carry out the Work As Constructed Survey, plan preparation and submit a project completion package to Sydney Water. You may be required to use the Work As Constructed drawing for your building plan approval, please see Building Plan Approval tab for more information

Certificate and approvals

Sydney Water will issue your Section 73 Compliance Certificate to take to your council or certifier when:

  • all the works from your Notice of Requirements are constructed and inspected
  • you’ve paid all fees & invoices.
  • Sydney Water Building Plan Approval is completed

If your development is large, complex or needs major works, you may have to meet other requirements before Sydney Water will issue a Section 73 Compliance Certificate. This might include bonding your works or additional inspections. These will be outlined and explained in your Notice of requirements

    Contact Details

    * denotes a required field

    Please attach the following files

    Council DA*

    Copy of Plans

    Required Items for Assessment

    • Full Council DA Conditions
    • Site plan as per council description

    One of our staff will be in contact with you shortly to discuss our fees and charges and obtain all necessary information to complete your Sydney Water Section 73 Application