(02) 4625 9776 info@fja.com.au

Sydney Water Building Plan Approval/ Tap In

If you’re building, excavating, or landscaping Sydney Water must approve your plans before you start. To start the process you will need to lodge your plans with Sydney Water or FJA Water though Tap In.

There are two outcomes from that assessment:

  • If no Sydney Water assets are affected your approval can be processed without further assessment.
  • If Sydney Water Water assets are likely to be affected, your application will then need further assessment by FJA Water and a fee proposal will be provided.

If you wish for FJA Water to carry out this application on your behalf a copy of your development plans are required.
In some cases you will be required to carry out Adjustment or Protection works as part of your Building plan process.

No Building work should commence until the Sydney Water approval has been issued.
For further information please fill in & submit the Building Plan Approval Application below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

    Contact Details

    * denotes a required field

    Please attach the following files

    Site Plan*

    Additional Plans


    For further information

    • We require a Site plan to be able to assess your developement
    • If your structure falls within the ‘Zone of Influence’ then we advise you of any extra cost that you may incur.